A great hockey shot requires precision and technique. One essential method to improve your hockey shot is the “over, under, over” blade motion, a simple yet effective way to enhance accuracy and control.
This technique breaks down the puck’s movement on the blade during a shot. The blade starts over the puck at the beginning of the release. As the puck transitions forward toward the target, the blade moves under it to generate spin and lift. Finally, at the release point, the blade moves over the puck again to control its trajectory and ensure the shot goes where you intend.
The role of the wrists in this motion is crucial. Turning your wrists during the under phase creates the spin necessary to lift the puck off the ice. The duration of this motion directly affects the height of the shot. Keeping the blade under the puck longer results in a higher arc, while a quicker transition to the over phase produces a lower, more direct shot. This final over motion ensures the puck stays on the desired path.
The “over, under, over” motion works for various types of shots, from quick snaps to lofted wrist shots. It’s a versatile approach that can be adapted to different game situations, helping you become a more confident and effective shooter.