Snipe Lights

Importance of the Grip Hand when Shooting the Puck

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    This video tutorial focuses on how the grip hand plays a crucial role in enhancing your hockey shot. The grip hand is responsible for generating velocity and speed in your shot by performing a pulling action. Understanding and mastering this motion is essential to improve your hockey shot effectively.

    The video explains that when shooting a puck, your grip hand should pull straight back. This straight-back motion supports the LIE of your stick and maximizes shot velocity. The faster and more controlled the pulling action, the faster the puck will move. To execute this technique properly, a firm grip on the stick is essential throughout the motion.

    At the end of the pulling action, the video highlights the importance of a wrist snap action, which helps create spin on the puck. This combination of a strong pull and wrist snap significantly improves the precision and speed of your shot.

    In summary, the video emphasizes the importance of grip hand control and consistent practice of the pulling motion to refine your shooting mechanics. By incorporating these techniques, players can significantly improve their hockey shot, gaining both power and accuracy on the ice.

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